Legal Notices
SemiMat GmbH
Reichardsweide 10
63654 Büdingen
Tel. +49 (0) 60 42-95 68 73-0
Fax +49 (0) 60 42-95 68 73-20
Mobile +49 (0) 163-85 41 955
Registered office: Büdingen
Register court: Amtsgericht Friedberg HRB 7386
VAT ID no. DE280632663
Responsible according to § 6 TDG, § 6 MDStV, the Press Law:
Ralf Reusswig, Reichardsweide 10, 63654 Büdingen
Privacy Policy
Data sent by Internet might be intercepted during the transmission intercepted and be listened by a third party. In our firm these data are treated with a high confidentiality.
Except in cases of intentionally or gross negligence, we shall not assume any liability for direct or indirect damages or costs caused by the use of our information service.
The judgment dated on 12th May 1998 (312 O 85/98 “Liability for links”) from Hamburg regional court has decided that whosoever makes a web links will be jointly responsible for it and can therefore be held liable for the content of the linked page. This can be only prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents.
Therefore, we dissociate ourselves from all contents of linked pages on our website and we do not adopt these contents. We have no influence on the design and content of the linked pages. This declaration applies to all of our existing links to external sites.